
書道家/アーティス ト
1977年 岡山県生まれ
書道家 Maaya Wakasugi
17歳での初の個展から研鑽を重ね、“古代文字” をモチーフとした独自の作品スタイルを確立。近年は、 書をアートとしてとらえ、 ルーヴル美術館公認の関連ロゴマークの制作や、各メディアにおいて、 アーティスト・クリエーターに作品提供をするなど、 様々な場所で表現を展開。
代表的な仕事内容として「 笑福亭鶴瓶 落語会」やNHK WORLD「OHENRO」、日本テレビ「笑神様は突然に・・・ 」のタイトル揮毫。 また、ホテル日航東京「日本料理さくら」、 シンガポール日本人会「割烹レストラン茜」、 グアムReef and Olive Spa Resort ジャパニーズレストラン「WAON」 にて、書による空間演出を担当。「Dom Pérignon」や「Alfa Romeo」とコラボレーションなど、活動の幅を拡大。
2014年は「NY ART EXPO」やパリで開催された「NEXT STEP BIENNALE」に出品。ニューヨーク近代美術館MoMAでパフォーマンスや台湾の襲園美術館で開催された個展も大成功を納め、さらにオリジナルの書の道に進んでいる。現在フランス・ボルドー在住。

Born in Okayama Prefecture, Japan in 1977.Maaya Wakasugi had his first private exhibition at the age of 17, devoting himself ever since to discovering his unique style of “ancient letters”.
Recently he continues to broaden his range of work as an artist with projects such as creating official logo for the Louvre Museum in Paris and providing work to various art projects.
His notable works include the title drawings for “Shofukutei Tsurubei Rakugo”, one of the most famous traditional story telling shows, and TV shows such as “OHENRO” (NHK WORLD) and “Waragamisama wa totsuzen ni” ( Nippon Television Network ), etc.
Maaya also produced space concepts and special exhibition for venues such as Japanese restaurant “Sakura” at Hotel Nikko Tokyo, “Japanese Cuisine Aoi” at The Japanese Association in Singapore, Japanese Restaurant “WAON” at the Reef and Olive Spa Resort in Guam. His collaboration works with Dom Pérignon and Alfa Romeo show his expanding artistic horizon.
In 2014, Maaya participated in many prominent art events such as NY ART EXPO 2014 and Next Step Biennale in Paris. Live performance at Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York and the exhibition at A. Heritage in Taiwan received great reviews.
Maaya continues to pursue his own calligraphic expressions.
Maaya currently lives in Bordeaux, France.